Step Onto the Road: Safety Tips for New Drivers

For the new teen driver, here are a few safety tips that will serve you from the first time you get behind the wheel until you’re ready to take on Mario Andretti in a speed trial.

Scout the Path

Most of our driving takes place from frequent destinations. Before you take a trip on your own, have an experienced driver show you the best line to follow. It also helps to research your local area for any particularly tricky traps created by poor urban planning.

Know Your Vehicle

Take the time to learn the particulars of your car before you take it out on the real road. The best way to do this is to find a practice track to get a feel for the acceleration, braking, turning, and so forth.

Remove Distractions

Phones, tablets, and other digital devices are great to have on hand in case your car breaks down or you get into an accident, but you don’t want them drawing your eye off the road. Tuck yours somewhere safe and out of sight, and don’t bring it back out until you are parked.

Don’t Drive While Tired or Impaired

Not getting behind the wheel while inebriated from alcohol or drugs is a fairly common sense proposal, but your reaction time and senses can be just as dangerous. A driver who is dozing off to slumber or overcome by a sneezing fit can suffer a momentary loss of control that might lead to an accident.

Always Have Insurance

Accidents can find anyone, even with impeccable attention to the road and proper driving technique, and the only protection against the damage to property and person is automobile insurance. If you (or your parents) don’t have insurance or are looking for a better provider, contact Neff & Associates Insurance Services Inc for a quote.

What to Consider When Buying a Used Car

So you’ve decided to go for a different vehicle, but you don’t want to pay the higher prices on a new car. Used cars do offer valuable options while also allowing you to save money along the way. Before buying a used car, there are a few different variables you need to consider. As long as you do this, you should land an excellent car for a great price. When you purchase the vehicle, whether you live around Pismo Beach, CA or anywhere else in the region, just give Neff & Associates Insurance Services Inc a call. We can help make sure you have the right coverage for your vehicle. 

Dealer vs. Private Seller

With a private seller you receive a better price but with a dealer you’ll have an establishment facility with a provided warranty and often financing. Due to this, you need to consider what is really best for you and your budget. If you want a car for a few hundred to a thousand dollars, going the private selling might be the way to go, but anything higher than that and a dealership simply provides peace of mind. 


Mileage of the vehicle does matter. While the make, model and year play a part in how important mileage is, always consider it. If a vehicle seems to have a lower price tag than what it should, it likely either has high mileage or there’s something else wrong with it. 

Kelly Blue Book

Know what the vehicle is valued at before going in. KBB gives you an overall estimate as to what the used vehicle should sell for. This can help in your negotiations for the vehicle. 

Number of Owners

If a used car has had a large number of owners, that usually means it runs into problems. A solid car is not going to have a half dozen owners. This might be a clear sign there’s an issue. 

Watch Out Pismo! Avoiding Bicyclists on the Road

You don’t need fear bicyclists on the road, even though the consequences of an accident can be dire. It’s entirely possible to practice smart safety on the road if you follow these suggestions.

Ditching the Distractions 

Our radios, phones and conversations seem to take center stage when we’re driving, which leads to countless avoidable incidents on the road. If it hasn’t rained for a while or if our windows are fogged up, we may not take the necessary precautions which jeopardizes our visibility and increases our odds of losing control of the car — and potentially hitting a cyclist. Simply being aware of this can be enough to train yourself to be a better driver. Or you can consider doing something more drastic like putting your phone in the trunk or committing to leave a few minutes early so you have time to warm up your car. Pismo Beach can get a lot of fog, so you don’t want to compromise your drive to work by not being able to see out the window. Sometimes you need to do something out of the ordinary to help drive the point home, and you should do it now before there’s a problem. Doing so can mean that bicyclists and you stay safer on the road. 

A Safer Experience for Everyone

Having the right insurance can also put everyone at ease when you’re on the road. At Neff & Associates Insurance Services Inc we can help you determine what type of coverage will safeguard against every type of event you may encounter. Being able replace what you’ve lost is a priceless comfort when something unexpected occurs. We serve Pismo Beach, CA so give us a call today for a quote or simply to talk to one of our agents. 

Reduce the Chances of Motorcycle Theft While on a Road Trip

As a motorcycle owner, the last thing you ever want to experience is walking out of a restaurant, hotel or even your home and find your bike is nowhere to be seen. It is a stomach-sinking feeling. At Neff & Associates Insurance Services Inc, we not only offer motorcycle insurance, but want to make sure you never have to deal with having to deal with your bike stolen, either in Pismo Beach or anywhere else you might travel. 

Out of Sight

When parking for the night, keep it as out of sight as possible. Naturally, you won’t have garage access or anything like that, but don’t just park it readily visible to anyone who drives by the hotel. Additionally, a bike cover is a nice investment. It blends in with the night and almost camouflages it. 

Lock it Down

Make sure to lock your motorcycle down when inside. Even if you are just stopping for lunch it only takes a few minutes for skilled motorcycle thieves to steal a bike. By locking it down, those looking to lift a bike will be more inclined to leave yours alone. A lock helps secure the wheel to a stationary object. If at all possible, have the lock elevated in the air, as this makes it more difficult to break it open with blunt force. 

Pick the Security Camera

Don’t just park your bike between cars, as this gives thieves cover to steal your bike. Instead, park it in the open and make sure you are by a security camera. Motorcycle thieves do not want to be spotted, and having a camera above head makes it less likely that someone will even attempt to touch your bike, let alone go and steal it. 

Three Tips to Maximize the Life of Your Car

So much money goes into your car that you want it to last as long as possible. These three tips will keep your car running so you can spend less on maintenance, new cars and higher insurance premiums.

Keep up With Maintenance

First and foremost, follow the maintenance schedule in your owner’s manual. You already know that you need to stay on top of oil changes and fluid maintenance, but many car owners forget about fuel filters, radiator flushes, timing belts and transmission flushes. While this feels like a lot of maintenance to track, none of the items on the list need service as frequently as the oil filter, so it really isn’t that much. Timing belts, for instance, usually only need to be changed once over the life of a car. That makes it easy to forget, so review the maintenance schedule every now and then if you really want your car to last.

Improve Your Driving

All of those tips you’ve heard about defensive driving will help you avoid accidents, keeping you safe and saving you money. You might not realize it, but those techniques also prolong the life of your car. Aggressive and fast driving create substantially more wear on a vehicle, so if you want the most mileage before you have to see a dealer, slow down and drive carefully. In general, the lower you can keep your average RPMs the better your engine will do. Additionally, if you have a manual transmission, smoother shifting is sure to minimize engine and transmission stress.

Master the Elements

Nature is not kind to you vehicle, and there are two major elements that will harm it the most: sun and snow. Excessive exposure to sunlight will rot exposed rubber, fade paint and generally make life difficult. The obvious solution is to park in the shade as much as possible, but if you can’t, stay on top of rotating your tires and replacing rubber hoses and parts in the engine. Snow and ice are hard on the car, but the real danger comes from salt. If you live in a region where roads are regularly salted, the key to protecting your car is to wash it. Obviously you have to strategize around the cold, so your best bet is a car wash that does not recycle water. Wash your car regularly during the snowy months and the salt damage will be kept at bay.

You can further protect your car with good insurance coverage. Check out Neff & Associates Insurance Services Inc to see how you can get better protection for less money.

Safe Motorcycle Driving Tips During Deer Season

Cooler weather means beautiful rides on your motorcycle through the mountains and on back roads. However, there is one thing you should look out for while riding during this time of the year: deer. This season is mating and migration season of deer and while you may see them during other times of the year, you are more likely to see them now more than ever. Stay safe while riding your motorcycle this season with these helpful tips.

  • Pay attention during the early evening and early morning. They tend to move more at dusk and dawn so keep your eyes open! You are more likely to see them during this time of the day.
  • If you see more, look for others. They tend to travel in herds so if you see one, you will likely see more shortly afterwards. Do not just assume that it was the only deer around. 
  • Wear your helmet. This is a safety precaution you should always enforce but especially during deer season. If you do hit one, you want to be as safe as possible. 
  • When riding in a group, spread out. The reason for this is that by riding a bit spread out, in the case of a collision, you are less likely to take your friends down with you.
  • Don’t swerve to avoid the collision if it is inevitable. You want your motorcycle to be stabilized if it hits an animal. Instead, brake hard until the collision to lessen the force.

Make sure you have the right insurance. This cannot be stressed enough! In California, you are required to have insurance to drive your motorcycle. If you do not have insurance that would cover you in the case of an accident, contact Neff & Associates Insurance Services, Inc. serving Pismo Beach, CA, for policy information.

Fall Car Maintenance You Can Schedule

Fall car maintenance should be at the top of your list of things to do as you prepare for the fall. You want to do everything you can to stay safe on the roads. Your car needs to be tuned up and ready to go as the colder weather approaches. While there are a few things you can do on your own, you should also schedule maintenance for your car with an auto professional.

Brakes should be checked, including rotors and drums. This way, if you experience any icy or snow-covered roads, you know that your brakes are going to work.

Your heater and defroster should also be checked. The HVAC system is responsible for not only providing you with a comfortable amount of heat in the interior of the car, but also defrosting windows so that you can see through them no matter what the weather is like. While the mechanic is doing everything, the air filter should be changed out as well.

You also want to have the battery checked. Often, batteries will die without any kind of warning. Make sure that the connections are clean and corrosion free. It has been several years since you have had a new battery, it may be time to replace it.

Finally, you want the tires to be checked. There should be a good amount of tire tread so that they can grip the road. The tire pressure (PSI) can change as the weather changes, so you want to make sure that it is at the level recommended by your car’s owner manual.

Contact us at Neff & Associates Insurance Services Inc today to learn more about ways to protect yourself and your vehicle in Pismo Beach, California. We can talk to you about coverage, obtain quotes from multiple companies, and answer any questions that you may have.


Keep Your Car Running In Pismo Beach For Longer

When you are in Pismo Beach, California, you likely drive a car. You want your car to last as long as possible, and there are various ways for you to extend its life by following a few basic tips. By understanding more about your car, you may be able to extend the life considerably.

Our goal at Neff & Associates is to ensure that you have everything you need in order to be safe on the road. This includes not only auto insurance, but ways to keep your car running. There is no need to spend more than what is absolutely necessary, and this includes auto repairs.

Removing junk out of your trunk can be one of the best ways to ensure your car runs smoothly. Added weight in the trunk can cause problems with the balance, alignment, and more. If there are things that don’t need to be in your trunk, take them out.

Check the pressure on your tires on a weekly basis. Approximately 36% of cars on the road are driving around with a lower than recommended psi. The recommended psi is found on your driver’s side door or in your owner’s manual. Ensure the tire pressure is proper so that you can get the best fuel efficiency and avoid flat tires.

You should also avoid running your A/C too much. Your A/C is powered by your engine, and if you are using it for extended periods of time, you are putting a considerable amount of strain on your engine. On cooler days, drive with the windows open, or park your car in the shade so that you don’t have to use your air conditioning at full blast.

At Neff & Associates Insurance Services Inc, we want to help with insurance. You can call our independent agents to get help with quotes and more for your auto insurance in Pismo Beach. Call now and learn more about buying a policy.



Understanding the Importance of Storing Your Antique Car In the Garage

There's no doubt that you have probably spent a considerable amount of money on your antique car. It's because of this that you will want to take great care of it. To achieve this goal, it's imperative that you store it properly when you're not cruising around in it. Here's a quick look at a few tips for storing your classic car the right way in Pismo Beach, CA.

Perform regular maintenance

Before you put the car away, make sure to check all grease fittings, and on all hinges, including the hood latch, spray them with lithium (white) grease to prevent corrosion. It's also important to keep at least one window down to ensure the interior receives good air flow.

Don't drain all the gas

You might be tempted to run the car as low as you can on gas before storing it because this helps to prevent varnish buildup, but in doing this, you're likely to ruin the fuel pump. The best route you can take is to fill the collectible car up with gas and then add fuel stabilizer. Take the car for a 15-minute drive and then park it. This short drive will ensure that the stabilizer is mixed well with the fuel.

Keep critters out

If you leave the tailpipes wide open, there's a good chance that small critters can climb up in them. The best way to make sure that this doesn't happen is by stuffing the tailpipes with socks, but make sure you tie a red flag to them that hangs out of the pipes as a reminder to remove them once you take the car for a drive again.

If you would like more information on how to take care of your car, contact us and speak with one of our classic car insurance antique representatives who serves the 93449 area.

Getting Your Clear Coat Repaired: When To Pay And When Not To Pay

Pismo Beach, CA is a gorgeous area with a small population. Home values are considerably higher here than in the state as a whole, and household incomes are higher as well. The town is very close to Santa Maria, which offers more of a metropolitan city.

When you explore car insurance, it’s important to know what is and is not covered on your policy. If you experience hail damage in the 93449 area, you want to know that insurance will pay so it’s not going to come out of your pocket.

Hail can easily damage the clear coat of your car in Pismo Beach. The clear coat is what goes over the layer of color on your car. Once the clear coat is damaged, it’s only a matter of time before the paint is damaged and then the bare metal of your car can be exposed.

If you get involved in an accident and the clear coat is damaged, you will likely be able to have it repaired when you take it to the auto body shop. However, if you suffer hail damage in 93449 and your car insurance doesn’t have comprehensive coverage, you could be paying out of pocket.

We have agents that will work with you on building a policy that makes sense. We will look at such coverage options as:

– CA mandated liability insurance

– Uninsured motorist coverage

– Comprehensive

– Collision

Each one of these has the potential to protect your clear coat when it is damaged, but you have to know what will and won’t be covered. If something is covered on your car insurance, you simply have to pay the deductible.

Call and speak to one of our insurnaceagents about your options for insurance in Pismo Beach, CA today!