The Importance of Uninsured/Underinsured Driver Coverage

You have purchased an auto insurance policy for your vehicles in Pismo Beach, CA, with hefty limits for collision coverage, so why should you spend extra on uninsured or underinsured motorist coverage? California law allows you to opt out of this coverage if you sign a waiver. However, Neff & Associates Insurance Services Inc. advises against doing so. Here’s why.

Pays for Damage When You Are Not at Fault

Many motorists on a tight budget skip this part of their auto insurance policy if they want to keep their monthly premium as low as possible. Some drivers operate their vehicles illegally without any insurance. Worse yet, you may end up in a hit-and-run accident where you have to foot the bill. Underinsured and uninsured motorist coverage will pay for repairing your vehicle minus any applicable deductible.

When you are involved in an accident and law enforcement deems that the fault rests with the other driver, that individual’s insurance will typically pay for damages. However, if the motorist doesn’t have enough coverage to pay for damages, you will have to pay for the excess out-of-pocket with the uninsured/underinsured provision in your personal auto policy.

Types of Uninsured/Underinsured Coverage Available

Depending on your policy, you can elect to include several types of provisions if you become involved in an incident with motorists who are not adequately insured. Your policy’s personal injury protection (PIP) may not be enough to cover medical bills for you and your passengers. Uninsured motorist property damage can augment your coverage and limit out-of-pocket expenses.

How much uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage do you need? Generally, the more valuable your vehicle, the more you may need. Let Neff & Associates Insurance Services Inc., serving Pismo Beach, CA, help you determine an appropriate amount. Contact our office today for an appointment.

Can You Insure After Market Auto Parts Under an Auto Insurance Policy?

The Importance of Insuring Aftermarket Auto Parts

Are you an automobile enthusiast who relishes customizing your vehicle with aftermarket auto parts? If so, you might wonder if such additions can be insured under your auto insurance policy. This is a valid concern, and at Neff & Associates Insurance Services Inc., offering services in the greater Pismo Beach, CA area, we can help answer these questions and more.

By definition, aftermarket auto parts are those non-original equipment manufacturer (OEM) parts that are installed on a vehicle after it leaves the assembly facility. These parts can range from performance upgrades and custom accessories to cosmetic enhancements. Securing aftermarket auto parts insurance is crucial to ensure these additions are protected in the event of damage or theft.

Within the industry, many insurance policies offer coverage for aftermarket parts, but the scope of this coverage can significantly vary. We highly recommend carefully reviewing your policy and discussing your specific needs with your insurance agent. Depending on the extent of your vehicle’s customization, additional coverage options may be necessary to ensure your aftermarket parts are adequately protected.

It’s worth mentioning that some insurance companies provide custom equipment coverage as an add-on to standard auto insurance policies. This coverage is specifically designed to protect aftermarket parts and accessories that haven’t been factory-installed. Common items eligible for this coverage include upgraded audio systems, custom wheels, or aftermarket performance enhancements.

However, please be aware that insuring aftermarket parts will often necessitate appropriate documentation and appraisals. These procedural necessities enable insurance companies to gauge the value of custom enhancements accurately, ensuring you’re adequately covered in the case of a claim.

In conclusion, protecting your aftermarket auto parts is an essential aspect of comprehensive auto insurance coverage. The right policy and adequate coverage options, provided by Neff & Associates Insurance Services Inc., will assure your peace of mind, secure in the knowledge that your customized vehicle is safeguarded against unexpected events. Don’t hesitate to call us today and start the process.

Automotive Security Devices That Could Be Beneficial

Automotive security devices protect against theft and vandalism. Review some devices that could minimize the need to file an automotive insurance claim. Consult a Neff & Associates Insurance Services Inc. agent about modifying your Pismo Beach, CA, car insurance policy.

Steering Lock

A steering lock is a device that attaches to the steering wheel. It prevents a vehicle from being driven. Installing this type of lock requires the use of basic tools. A steering lock should be installed whenever your vehicle is going to be unoccupied for a long duration.

GPS Tracker

A GPS tracker is used to determine the location of a vehicle. A tracking device can detect when a vehicle is moving and when it is parked. This type of device can be used to monitor your vehicle day and night. If you own a vehicle used for business purposes, installing a tracker will allow you to monitor your vehicle’s location when it is not at your place of business.

Alarm System

An alarm system will detect when the doors of your vehicle are opened. It will also detect if your vehicle is moved from its current location. A range of alarm systems on the market will provide protection for standard passenger and commercial vehicles.

Defensive Driving

Defensive driving courses are designed to keep drivers safe. Participating in a course will prepare you for adverse driving conditions. It will also help you remain alert when driving down busy roadways.

Final Words

Make sure you have reviewed the necessary security devices and measures to protect your vehicle. Contact an agent who serves Pismo Beach, CA. Our agents at Neff & Associates Insurance Services Inc. will recommend insurance products that are right for you.

Safe Driving Tips to Teach a Teenage Driver

Teaching a teenager to drive is a significant milestone but comes with immense responsibility. Instilling safe driving habits from the beginning to ensure their safety on the road is essential. Here are some crucial safe driving tips provided by Neff & Associates Insurance Services Inc., serving Pismo Beach, CA, to impart to your teenage driver.

Defensive Driving

Emphasize the importance of defensive driving. Teach them to anticipate the actions of other drivers and be prepared for unexpected situations. Stress the need to keep a safe following distance and avoid tailgating.

Avoid Distractions

Teach your teen to keep their focus on the road. Emphasize the dangers of texting, using a smartphone, or adjusting the radio while driving. Encourage them to pull over if they need to attend to anything other than driving.

Seatbelt Usage

Make wearing seatbelts a non-negotiable rule. Ensure that both the driver and all passengers buckle up before the car is in motion. Set a good example by wearing your seatbelt consistently.

Speed Limits

Explain the importance of obeying speed limits. Emphasize that driving at excessive speeds not only increases the risk of accidents but also leads to more severe injuries in case of a crash.

Teaching your teenager safe driving habits is an investment in their future safety and the safety of others on the road. Be patient, lead by example, and provide ongoing guidance as they gain experience behind the wheel. If you’re looking for a new auto insurance policy to cover you and your new teenage driver in the greater Pismo Beach, CA area, the Neff & Associates Insurance Services Inc. team would love to help. Call us today to get started.

The Importance of Comprehensive Auto Insurance: What You Need to Know

There are several types of auto insurance coverage, including liability, comprehensive, and collision. It’s essential to understand which kinds of coverage you have and which ones are required so you don’t end up putting yourself or your vehicle at risk. If you’re in the Pismo Beach, CA area, Neff & Associates Insurance Services Inc can help you find the right coverage today.

Understand Your Auto Coverage

Most people understand that they need liability coverage and that it’s required by law. They may also be aware that having a lienholder on the vehicle means they need to have collision coverage. But what is comprehensive, and what does it protect you from? This coverage is often called "fire, theft, and glass breakage." It’s a step up from the standard liability but doesn’t include the protection that collision insurance offers.

To decide if you need or want this coverage on your vehicle, working with an insurance agent can help. That way, you can get the information you need to make a knowledgeable decision about protecting your vehicle. You don’t want to be without the required coverage, and in most cases, there is value in having additional protective measures on an essential asset like your car, truck, or SUV. There are also different deductible and level options to choose from.

If you’re unsure whether comprehensive auto insurance is something you should have, let Neff & Associates Insurance Services Inc talk you through everything this coverage level offers and what you can expect from it. We want vehicle owners throughout the Pismo Beach, CA area to be protected and feel confident they’re taking good care of their vehicles. Reach out to us today for the vehicle insurance information you need.

What to Consider When Purchasing Auto Insurance for a Teenager

Having teenage drivers in the house can be nerve-wracking on many levels, not to mention pricey, but this doesn’t have to be the case when it comes to ensuring the right auto insurance covers them.

If you’re in Pismo Beach, CA, we at Neff & Associates Insurance Services Inc can help you settle on the right plan for you. Here’s a look at what to consider as you start your journey.

Driving Habits

The reason it’s often so expensive to insure teen drivers is because they’re considered much more likely to drive carelessly, get into accidents due to inexperience, and so forth. That said, how seriously your teen takes the responsibility of driving in the first place greatly counts.

Academic Performance

Conscientious teens with good attendance records, high GPAs, and excellent academic records are often eligible for significantly better insurance rates. This is the case for teens still in high school and those who have already started college.

Vehicle of Choice

What make and model vehicle your teen will be behind the wheel of makes a difference in your insurance rates, as well. Newer cars, muscle vehicles, and luxury models will be the hardest on your pocketbook. Used cars in good condition and vehicles with many safety features will be the easiest.

You may also consider whether it makes more sense for your household to add your teen to your existing auto insurance policy or take out an entirely separate policy strictly for them.

If you’re in Pismo Beach, CA, or the surrounding areas, we at Neff & Associates Insurance Services Inc can help you review your situation and settle on the best policies for you and your family. Contact us today to discuss your options!

Three Essentials for Your Car Accident Preparedness Kit

Taking preventative action before a car crash can save you from the stress of scrambling at the scene of an accident. First, you should make sure you have a good car insurance policy. If you live in Pismo Beach, CA, Neff & Associates Insurance Services Inc is a good option.

Next, you need to put together a safety kit. Here are a few ideas for you to consider.

1. Basics

You should always have extra food, water, and an extra battery for your cell phone if you cannot charge it in your vehicle. If hot weather is common in the area, include instant cooling packs and a fan that runs on batteries. 

2. First Aid

You can create your own first aid kit or find a pre-assembled one. Ensure you include a medical card with pertinent information about any medications, allergies, or medical conditions that medical personnel might need to be aware of. 

You must also list your preferred emergency contact in case you are unconscious. If you have a medication you need every day, be sure to keep extras on hand in the kit as well.

3. Car Care

Your car needs a care kit too! You can include a tarp in case of inclement weather, jumper cables, gloves, a flashlight (or use your phone), flares, and towels. 

You may want to consider taking a class on basic car maintenance so that you know how to use everything in your kit.

You should also have proof of car insurance in your glove compartment. Luckily, Neff & Associates Insurance Services Inc. is serving the Pismo Beach, CA area; call today to learn more about your auto insurance options!

Do I Need Commercial Auto Insurance as an Uber Driver in California?

If you’re contemplating becoming an Uber driver in Pismo Beach, CA, you must consider commercial auto insurance. The short answer is yes—all Uber drivers in California are required to have commercial auto insurance.

Why Commercial Auto Insurance is Required for Uber Drivers in California

In order to Uber in California, you must have commercial auto insurance—this is non-negotiable. This is because personal auto insurance policies typically exclude coverage for business-related activities. So, if you were to get into an accident while driving for Uber, your personal auto insurance policy would likely not provide any coverage.

This would leave you on the hook for any damages or injuries resulting from the accident, which could end up costing you thousands of dollars. To protect yourself financially, ensuring you have the right insurance before driving for Uber is essential.

Your Neff & Associates Insurance Services Inc representative can help you get the right commercial auto insurance policy in place so that you can focus on driving in Pismo Beach, CA, and earning money—not insurance.

What Kind of Coverage Do I Need?

The level of coverage you’ll need will depend on a few factors, including the state in which you’ll be driving and the size of your vehicle.

You may also consider getting uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage, collision, and comprehensive coverage. These coverages will help protect your vehicle if it’s damaged or stolen.

Remember that your commercial auto insurance policy will probably be more expensive than your personal auto insurance policy. However, it’s important to remember that the peace of mind and financial protection that comes with having the right insurance is well worth the additional cost.

Besides commercial coverage, you still need to maintain a personal auto insurance policy. Your commercial policy will not cover you when you’re not working or if you use your vehicle for personal reasons.

Your Neff & Associates Insurance Services Inc representative can help you understand the coverage and customize a policy that meets your needs.

Common Auto Insurance Exclusions

Your car insurance protects you and your vehicle when accidents happen. It compensates you for the damage to ensure you don’t suffer financial losses. While auto insurance can save you on a rainy day, sometimes, it can fall short. Your car insurance has limitations and exclusions, and you need to know about them to ensure an event-free claim process.

Your car insurance exclusions are detailed in your policy document, but you can also consult your insurance agent for more information. Neff & Associates Insurance Services Inc. highlights common areas your standard car insurance won’t cover.

Commercial use

Are you using your car to run business errands? You had better invest in commercial auto insurance because standard car insurance won’t cover business-related accidents. Since business operations are considered high-risk, your insurer expects you to buy commercial auto insurance designed to cover such risks.

Equipment failure

Is your transmission acting up? Has your car engine knocked? Your standard car insurance doesn’t pay for mechanical failures. For such expenses, you will have to finance from your pocket.

Accidents outside American borders

Your standard car insurance protects you when within the borders of America. So, if something happens to your car outside the geographical area of operation, your insurer won’t cover the loss. However, you can inform your insurer of special coverage if traveling abroad with your vehicle.

Engine damage due to oil leakage

Your car insurance should cover the damage if your car engine is damaged during a collision or by a covered loss. However, your typical auto insurance won’t compensate you if your engine is damaged by an oil leak or waterlogging. However, you can purchase a "rider" or "add-on" to protect your engine.

Intentional damage

This is rather obvious, but we will say it since we have seen it happen. Your insurer won’t cover damage from intentional or criminal acts. For instance, your insurer won’t cover your car if you use it as a weapon.

Car insurance in Pismo Beach, CA

Want to learn more about auto insurance? Want to purchase car insurance in Pismo Beach, CA? Please contact Neff & Associates Insurance Services Inc. for all your car insurance solutions.

Do you need auto insurance if you don’t have a car loan?

Most vehicle owners either have a car loan or lease a vehicle. If you have either of these, you will be required to have complete coverage for your vehicle. It protects the vehicle which you don’t own at this point. But what about after you have paid off your loan? At Neff & Associates Insurance Services in Pismo Beach, CA, we know the law in California regarding personal vehicles and are happy to share that information with our customers. 

In California, all drivers need to be covered by liability insurance, even if they don’t have a car loan. The required coverage is 15/30/5. That means in practical terms, $15,000 for coverage of medical expenses and other things for one person injured in an accident you are deemed responsible for. If more than one person is injured, the total paid out for injuries in one accident is $30,000. The amount for property damage is $5,000, which is very low no matter how you look at it. 

This is what you must have. Is it what you should have? Only if you have no assets and an old beat-up vehicle that you won’t mind losing. If you are a person who uses their vehicle every day for activities necessary to their survival, you need to protect your vehicle. This means you need to have collision and comprehensive coverage which protects your car when it gets damaged. 

Between these two types of coverage, you will be protected from a vehicle accident, theft, vandalism, and other damage from various weather events. If you need your vehicle, this is vital coverage. 

 Contact Neff & Associates Insurance Services in Pismo Beach, CA, when you need the latest information about automobile insurance.